Internet Marketing - PPC / Pay-Per-Click campaigns/ Google Adwords

Pay-Per-Click campaigns

Pay-Per-Click campaigns are one area where many people are already investing in online marketing. You may be one of those who recognize the value of such campaigns in finding potential clients. One of the major advantages in PPC campaigns is the fact that you can be up and running with traffic actually coming to your website in as little as one day.

Pay-per-click campaigns can also be very expensive. However, they can be greatly downsized and often even completely eliminated by the effective use of an online marketing strategy. You can easily spend a lot less on your PPC campaign than you have previously if your business is consistently at the top of search engine results. However, PPC campaigns are still important tools that can remain as a part of a good online marketing strategy, especially for extremely competitive keyword searches.

The Right Keyword Research

Keyword research will be the thing that makes your PPC campaigns work like never before. If you have your keyword research done correctly, you will have a list of keywords that are used when people search for something your business could provide, including very specific long-tail keywords. These keywords will not only be the ones most commonly used, but also the ones that have the fewest PPC matches for them. This means that when someone uses those keywords your ad will appear at the top, not mixed in somewhere with endless others.

Keyword research makes all the difference between hit or miss PPC campaigns and ones that really work and have a high rate of conversions to sales for the number of click-throughs that you get. Having professional management of your PPC campaigns can mean huge savings and much greater results.

Geo-Targeting Your Ads

Most people do not realize about this PPC option. However, it allows you to target your PPC ads to just the people in your area who are searching for a given term. Using geo-targeting, a search from someone in your geographic area for a generic term like “plumber” would reveal your ad, whereas someone in another state or area that you don’t serve who searches for “plumber” would not see your ad.

Using Google Ads and other PPC services you can choose to have your ads shown only to people living in certain zip codes, cities or regions. By doing so you can bid on very generic terms that previously would not have been a good choice. This is possible because search engines know where searchers are located. You can choose to target:

  • Actual location
  • Narrow geography such as city, state, metro area
  • IP address

In addition you can choose to do PPC campaigns on words with a location qualifier attached to them. Many people will actually choose to include the location qualifier in their search, such as “Atlanta plumber.” By using both the searcher’s actual location and where the searcher is looking, you will have the greatest success possible in your pay-per-click campaign.

The advantages to geo-targeting generic terns for your PPC ads are:

  • cheaper click rates
  • fast traffic results
  • more targeted traffic
  • lower competition
  • higher conversion to sales

The Importance of the Landing Page

A landing page is the page a prospect reaches when they click through your ad, a link in your article’s resource box, or a link in a press release, video, or audio. The best-designed landing pages have a way these visitors can trade their contact information for a special report or some other content that’s valuable to them. The landing page is a very important component in the online marketing strategy for pay-per-click campaigns. It should be relevant to the ad that you have placed and should contain keywords related to the search. You should have a different landing page for each PPC ad you place. Include navigation links to other parts of your website for even better results in Google.

Consider Using A Content Network PPC Campaign

Content Network PPC allows you to sell advertising space on your own web site and use space on other websites that relate to yours. What’s most effective about advertising with the content network is the fact that most of the time people spend online isn’t spent using a search engine, but visiting their favorite sites. Content PPC allows you to get your ad in front of them while they’re on these popular sites.

A large number of websites collaborate in a content network and you get the advantage of the traffic attracted to each of them. Your ad can be so much more than a text ad like traditional PPC. You can opt for images and even video to capture the attention of potential clients. Content network PPC is wide open right now and is an excellent option to explore in your internet marketing plan.

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