The Judsonia Church of Christ

Elders Calvin Wallace, Gene Donnell, Donald Loy (not pictured)

Elders Calvin Wallace, Gene Donnell, Donald Loy (not pictured)

The Judsonia Church of Christ (downtown) is a small congregation located in central Arkansas but it has demonstrated an amazing work that has brought it both domestic and international acclaim. The small church is committed to following the example of Christ who went about doing good (Acts 10:38). The overall objective is stated by the Bible text, “As we have opportunity, let us do good unto all men” (Galatians 6:1). Through its minister (John L. Kachelman, Jr) the congregation has been able to coordinate and facilitate an amazing record of assistance within the United States of America as well as in nineteen foreign nations. During 2020 there was an incredible involvement with the United States military in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, El Salvador, Haiti, and Honduras as various shipments were sent to help with the infrastructures for the health and educational communities of those nations. This success was made possible because of a phenomenal coordination of critical operations between the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the administrations of nineteen foreign nations, and a number of volunteer groups located in numerous States of the USA making it possible for 60 containers of humanitarian aid to be shipped to vulnerable populations in these foreign nations: Afghanistan; Azerbaijan; Belarus; El Salvador; Ghana; Haiti; Haiti; Honduras; India; Iraq; Moldova; Nigeria; Republic of Georgia; Republic of Kyrgyz; Romania; Tajikistan; Ukraine; Vietnam; and Zambia.

Kachelman utilizes the LIFE RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL (LRI) warehouse where commodities are collected and shipped. LRI is a cooperative effort by the churches of Christ that focuses upon international humanitarian relief. It is a non-profit organization that was begun to assist in the collection and distribution of humanitarian aid throughout the USA and world.

The Judsonia Church has been actively involved in responding to those struck by natural disasters. Their involvement began in 2020 when Kachelman was asked to work with the congregation. The first large scale involvement was sending ten containers of humanitarian aid into eastern Ukraine.

The Judsonia Church makes distribution on the sole basis of need—if one is needy then that one is helped. Before the commodities are shipped the full cooperation of the receiving country is confirmed. Kachelman makes follow up trips to assure the integrity of the shipment by inspecting the distribution sites and collecting pictures and reports on how the shipped commodities have been used.

The Judsonia Church is small in number (approximately 115 members). It is assisted in this incredible work by partnering with others who are concerned about the vulnerable populations in the world and who are willing to help finance humanitarian relief efforts. Those who would like to become a part of helping alleviate the suffering of the ill, helping the infirmed to feel compassion, assisting the orphaned to know love, joining with healthcare professionals and facilities to provide competent medical care, or assist in encouraging educational and academia successes are invited to contact Kachelman at the Judsonia Church to discuss how they can join in the success of these efforts. The Judsonia Church and LRI warehouse operate completely on donations. The amazing fact to consider is that all donations go to the humanitarian aid efforts because all labor is volunteered and there is no paid staff in the LRI operations!

There is an urgent need for good medical equipment, hospital beds and mattresses, and any other useful items for educational, medical, or homes for the elderly and orphaned to be donated.

Those living in or visiting the central Arkansas area are invited to join the Judsonia Church in worship and Bible study. Visitors will find honest seekers of God’s Truth who will give the warmest welcome ever experienced. The Church is not affiliated with any denomination but independently seeks to follow the New Testament’s directives in its worship and practical living of Christianity.

For more information and reports on the worldwide scope of the congregation’s work please logon to the church’s website. The website of the downtown Judsonia Church of Christ is:

Those interested in assisting in this worldwide humanitarian aid relief effort that provides the greatest integrity in funding are welcome to use the “contact us” tab on the website.

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